Free the Slaves
2011 Freedom Awards
Invitation to Nominate Candidates
Nominations Re-opened
Dear friend,
Free the Slaves is pleased to announce that we are currently accepting nominations for the 2011 Freedom Awards. These awards are open to organizations and individuals who are working to eradicate human trafficking and modern-day slavery.
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Note: Free the Slaves hopes to include other languages in future years.
The Freedom Awards celebrate the vision and courage of community-based organizations, survivors of slavery, individual leaders and anti-slavery activists who are showing the way to a world without slavery.
Please help us by making a nomination. Please also pass along this invitation to anyone who might be able to nominate suitable organizations or individuals. We also welcome self-nominations.
Each award has its own requirements and nomination form. To get more information and the correct form, visit the awards Web pages:, or e-mail us at:
One award to a community-based organization
One award will go to an organization working directly within communities to make the most significant and transformative contribution to ending slavery. Someone is in slavery when they are forced to work under threat of violence, paid nothing beyond sustenance and unable to walk away. Slavery takes many forms including bonded labor, child soldiers, domestic servitude, forced child labor and sex slavery.
This award, named the Harriet Tubman Award, will give the winning organization:
• A grant of $25,000 each year for two years
• A technical assistance package worth $15,000 each year for two years
• A tour in the USA to share experiences with relevant organizations
• A short documentary video produced by Free the Slaves about the anti-slavery activities
of the organization
Eligibility requirements for the Harriet Tubman Award
Community-based organizations in any part of the world are eligible for this award (more information included on nomination form). Organizations must:
• Have been operating for at least three years
• Be legally able to receive funds from overseas sources
• Be willing to share their work experiences with others, including through sending
two representatives to the awards ceremony in the USA (We will arrange interpretation)
One award to an individual survivor of slavery living outside the USA
This award will be given to an individual who has survived a form of slavery and is now using his or her life in freedom to assist others. This award honors the tremendous resilience of the human spirit and emphasizes that many survivors of modern-day slavery go on to help others to freedom.
This award, named the Frederick Douglass Award, will give the winning individual:
• $10,000 for training and capacity building to continue and expand his or her work
• A total of $10,000 over two years, to be used as he or she sees fit
Eligibility requirements for the Frederick Douglass Award
Individuals in any part of the world (except living in the USA) are eligible for this award (more information included on nomination form). The individual must:
• Be at least 18 years old
• Be willing to travel to the USA with a companion (We will cover travel costs and
assist with travel documents)
• Be willing to speak out about his or her experiences (We will arrange interpretation)
One award to an individual survivor of slavery living in the USA
This award will be given to an individual who has survived a form of slavery and is now using his or her life in freedom to assist others. This award honors the tremendous resilience of the human spirit and emphasizes that many survivors of modern-day slavery go on to help others to freedom.
This award, named the Anne Templeton Zimmerman Award, will give the winning individual:
• $10,000 for training and capacity building to continue and expand his or her work
• A total of $10,000 over two years, to be used as he or she sees fit
Eligibility requirements for the Anne Templeton Zimmerman Award
Only individuals living in the U.S. are eligible for this award (more information included on nomination form). The individual must:
• Be at least 18 years old
• Be willing to speak out about his or her experiences (We will arrange interpretation if needed)
Other 2011 Freedom Awards
There are two other categories of awards for 2011, and details about these will be coming later. One award, “I AM THE CHANGE,” will honor an outstanding individual in the USA who donates his or her time and talent to ending slavery. The “William Wilberforce Award” will honor an individual who has moved a major institution, government, business or large groups of people to significant action to fight slavery. The Wilberforce award is given out periodically, and nominations will be accepted on a rolling basis. Please check for details later.
Free the Slaves will announce a deadline for nominations when the awards program is fully funded. If the 2011 Freedom Awards program is not fully funded, specific awards may be modified, and 2011 nominations will remain valid for awards in future years.
Please note: It is important to read further about the awards, and to submit the appropriate nomination form. Visit the Freedom Awards Web pages:, or e-mail us, stating which award you need to know more about: