Thursday, October 22, 2009

my photographs are up in Oakville: "a taste of india" exhibit

My photographs are up in Oakville!!!

"a taste of india" exhibit

Hope you can make it out November 5th!

It's going to be a great night, a chance for you to hear "The Heart Behind My Art."

Evelyn is a girl who is bringing in work from Kenya, and she will also be there to share what is happening in Kenya through Kuku Hut.

Thursday November 5th

Isabella's Pasta Cafe 174 Lakeshore Road E. (in downtown Oakville)

Open House 7-9pm

*7:45pm "The Heart Behind The Art" Quarter

(Evelyn and I will briefly speak about why we do the work we do)

Hope you guys can come!

Stay for 10 minutes or for 1 hours!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

bridgingthe_gap photography exhibit in oakville oct 1-nov 15/09

EXHIBITING @ Isabella's Pasta Cafe
174 Lakeshore Road E OAKVILLE
oct 1- nov 15/09

This collection, "a taste of india," is from a trip I was apart of with Westside Church in Vancouver in 2007. We had a team of twelve people who went to serve for two weeks on a prayer and awareness project throughout India. This was a very exciting time within the ministry of Westside Church as the church was still young and was in the beginning stages of establishing our global service projects, in this case India. While in India we spent much of our time in the city of New Delhi and in the northern Punjab region. Since this trip was the beginning of Westside's service efforts in India, our hope was to accomplish the following three goals:

1. Open our eyes geographically and spiritually to the landscape of the nation.

2. Seek God's heart and vision for us as a church as we look ahead to future service and partnerships in India.
3. Practically get our hands dirty and serve within the culture through various projects such as: Dar-ul-Fazl Children's Home (Orphanage) in Manali, Shanti Niketan Children's Home in Sabathu (Orphanage) and the Sughandh Slum Project in Delhi.

Returning from India, Westside Church in Vancouver and Willow Park Church in Kewlowa partnered together to take over the Shanti Niketan Children's Home in Sabathu, forming Child of Mine. As of October 2008, Child of Mine assumes the responsibility and care for the economic needs of the homes, and our desire is to holistically partner with their God-given vision to equip and prepare these children to serve God in North India. Child of Mine is committed to building effective partnerships with such organizations in order to help these children fulfill their calling.

*For each photograph sold, a portion will be given to Child of Mine to continue to see children in Northern India cared and provided for. To learn more about Child of Mine, please feel free to pick up a pamphlet at Isabella's Pasta Cafe or email me at

**There is going to be a coffee house / meet and greet night with the artist Thursday, November 5th-stay tuned for more details!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

THANK YOU for your support!! The walk to STOP Child Trafficking was a great day; the turn out was a little smaller than I would have liked, but for the first walk in Toronto, it was better than nothing!
Next years walk will be GRANDE!
I knew that there was a greater purpose and reason for me not running my marathon--and on this walk I found the reason. Sophia, the girl who was organizing the walk asked me to orchestrate the walk to STOP Child Trafficking with her next year...AND...I have been wanting to get in touch with an organization called "Me to We" for years, and Sophia works with them!! This connection is priceless!!
The walk was great! We raised awareness in Toronto and even got to speak to some people about the issue of Human Trafficking after our walk with people who saw us walking around Toronto.
Awareness is the first step to change-exposing the issue of injustice.
Thank you again for your support!

*Donations are still being accepted until December 31, 2009. If you know anyone you think would like to support the end of Child Trafficking, please feel free to forward them this email or the one prior that I sent out.
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."
~ Bishop Desmond Tutu

to see change furthered in this generation,
shae invidiata

Thursday, October 1, 2009


For those of you who do not know, Call+Response is probably one of the most amazing organizations out there today who are advocates of justice for humans in modern day slavery = human trafficking

I have been emailing Call+Response for over a year, telling them that they need to come to Canada. And they are finally here!!!
This film has gotten unreal reviews and responds (which you can check out on their website). Even if you cannot come this weekend, you should at least check out the trailers on the m.u.c.k website (Movies of UN-Common Knowledge)--the trailers are a great way to get a little nugget of knowledge on different issue of injustice around our world.
the first step to change is becoming aware-becoming educated!
....and then become a voice

They are the first feature documentary film to be produced!
Please check out their site and what they are all about:
This Sunday October 4th @12am
the last film to end the m.u.c.k film festival

this is the call+ your the response

"Justice is what love looks like in public" -call+response